What is an Elopement Package and how much should I pay?

April 26, 2023

Elopements have become an increasingly popular option for couples looking to tie the knot in a more intimate and personal way. With elopements, couples can forego the traditional wedding ceremony and opt for a more romantic and private experience that is unique to them. However, even with elopements, couples often still want to capture their special day with professional photographs. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at what couples can expect to pay for elopement photo packages for U.S. elopements.

What is an Elopement Photo Package?

An elopement photo package is a photography service specifically tailored for couples who are planning an elopement. These packages typically include a set number of hours of photography coverage, a set number of edited images, and other services such as digital downloads or print packages.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Elopement Photo Packages

The cost of an elopement photo package can vary significantly depending on a few key factors. These factors include the location of the elopement, the photographer’s experience and skill level, the duration of the photography coverage, and the number of edited images included in the package. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.


The location of the elopement can have a significant impact on the cost of an elopement photo package. Some photographers charge more for elopements that take place in popular destinations or venues that require travel, permits or are harder to get to on foot.

Photographer’s Experience and Skill Level

The experience and skill level of the photographer can also impact the cost of an elopement photo package. Photographers with more experience and a higher level of skill may charge more for their services, as they can produce higher-quality images and provide a more personalized experience for the couple.

Think about in terms of art — the more talent of the artist, the more value of the piece. Start viewing your wedding photos as art (because, let’s be real, they are art). Just like a beautiful painting, you would choose it if it fit your style, preference and cost preference.

Duration of Photography Coverage

The duration of the photography coverage can also affect the cost of an elopement photo package. Packages that include a longer duration of photography coverage may cost more than packages that only include a few hours of coverage.

Number of Edited Images

Finally, the number of edited images included in the package can also impact the cost. Some photographers offer packages with a set number of edited images, while others may offer packages with unlimited edited images. Packages with a higher number of edited images may cost more than packages with a lower number of edited images.

Typical Costs for Elopement Photo Packages

Now that we have looked at the factors that can affect the cost of an elopement photo package, let’s take a closer look at typical costs for these packages. It’s important to note that these prices are just estimates and can vary depending on the factors discussed above.

Low-End Elopement Photo Packages

Low-end elopement photo packages typically cost between $2,000 and $4,000. These packages usually include a few hours of photography coverage, a set number of edited images, and digital downloads. Photographers offering these packages may be newer to the industry or may not have as much experience as other photographers.

Mid-Range Elopement Photo Packages

Mid-range elopement photo packages typically cost between $3,500 and $5,000. These packages usually include more hours of photography coverage, a higher number of edited images, and may include additional services such as prints or albums. Photographers offering these packages are typically more experienced and have a higher level of skill than photographers offering low-end packages.

High-End Elopement Photo Packages

High-end elopement photo packages typically cost $5,000 to 10,000 (or more). These packages usually include the highest level of talent, full-day photography coverage, the highest number of edited images, and may include additional services and additional things like goodies in the mail, or location guides.

Inquire about Elopement Packages, here.

Looking for more information on booking an elopement package with me?